Author: mark10

Daniela, before we dive in, could you please share a bit about your professional background and role as Executive Vice President of North America at VTEX? Certainly! I am the Executive... Read More

What are Small to Mid Sized Business Owners Wishing for this Holiday Season? Whatever you wish for, my educated guess is it won’t be more work.The holidays are a busy time... Read More

Brands are continually being handed ever-more powerful lenses to scrutinize campaign impact. But while advanced measurement tools provide sharper clarity around what happens to ads after delivery, most tend to... Read More

Social media feeds are flooded with influencer-supported content, sponsored posts, and advertisements showcasing the newest products. Because there is more stuff in feeds than users can handle, organic postings are... Read More

SnapLogic, the leader in generative integration, today announced a decade of collaboration with Adobe (Nasdaq:ADBE), a leading software provider that is changing the world through digital experiences, that has leveraged... Read More

Indeed, brand alignment remains critical in sustaining and nurturing growth in a highly competitive B2B environment. Brand advocates—devoted enthusiasts who promote the brand—significantly contribute to this alignment. Endorsing these fundamental... Read More