BC BEHAVIOURAL CONSULTING VANCOUVER Behavioural Consulting, supporting all ages and conditions

Vancouver Speech Therapist is a multi-disciplinary team of professionals that work collaboratively with each client’s individual needs. Often times, clients seeking behaviour consulting or behaviour therapies for Attention Deficits Disorders (ADHD/ADD), Executive Functioning, Social Skills, Intellectual Disabilities, Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FASD) or Autism, need the help of a Board-Certified behaviour Consultant (also known as a BCBA) to address behaviours and create functional routines. Autism behaviour support, Down Syndrome behaviour support and FASD behaviour support are essential in developing concrete habits to progress the clients level of functioning and can be crucial in teaching the foundation of behaviour to allow for additional modalities of therapy. Vancouver behavioural Consultation is structured around a series of stages that focus on problem-solving.