Neurology treats conditions that impact the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. It focuses on the complex network of the nervous system. Everyday living can be disrupted by neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's, epilepsy, stroke, and neuropathy. To effectively treat these diseases, the neurology department combines state-of-the-art diagnostics like MRI, CT scans, and nerve conduction investigations with cutting-edge treatments.
Neurological problems are frequently caused by heredity, trauma, diseases, and lifestyle choices including stress. Many neurological conditions can now be controlled with early diagnosis, specialized drugs, therapies, and, when required, surgery thanks to advances in medical science.
The Best Neurology Hospital in Jaipur offers cutting-edge facilities and skilled neurologists to guarantee the best results for complete care and professional solutions. For a higher quality of life, neurological health must be prioritized.
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