Body Section (<body>):
Container (<div class=”container”>): Creates a container element to group and organize the content. This element likely has styles applied from “style.css” to control its positioning or layout.
Wrapper (<div class=”wrapper”>): Another container element within the main container, potentially used for additional layout or styling purposes.
Image (<img src=”Alarm.jpg”>): Displays an image named “Alarm.jpg” likely representing a visual of an alarm clock.
Current Time (<h1>05:00:00 AM</h1>): Displays a heading (h1) element with the initial time “05:00:00 AM.” This will likely be replaced with the user’s selected alarm time.
Content (<div class=”content”>): Another container element, probably used to arrange the clock selection controls.
Columns (<div class=”column”>): Three columns are created, each likely styled in “style.css” to arrange the dropdown menus horizontally.
Select Controls (<select>): Three dropdown menus are created using the select element. These will presumably allow the user to set hours, minutes, and AM/PM for the alarm time.
Placeholder Options (<option value=” hours” selected hidden>Hour</option>): Each dropdown menu has an initial option that displays “Hour,” “Minute,” or “AM/PM” but is disabled (hidden) and has no actual value (value=”hours”). These serve as placeholders until the user selects a valid time.
Set Alarm Button (<button>Set Alarm</button>): A button element is created to trigger the alarm setting functionality when clicked. This behavior will likely be implemented in the “Alarm.js” script.