Why Do Diabetics Get Swollen Feet and How to Treat Them

Medicas provide treatment for Diabetes Swollen feet, or edema, are a common complication among individuals with diabetes. This condition arises due to various factors such as poor circulation, nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy), kidney problems, and heart issues, all of which are associated with diabetes. The impaired circulation and nerve damage often lead to fluid accumulation in the lower extremities, causing the feet and ankles to swell. Symptoms include visible swelling, a feeling of heaviness, reduced mobility, and stretched or shiny skin. Managing swollen feet involves controlling blood sugar levels, using compression socks, elevating the feet, regular exercise, proper foot care, and reducing sodium intake. It is crucial to monitor for signs of infection or severe swelling and seek medical attention when necessary to prevent further complications such as ulcers, infections, or even amputation.